Elisa Rusca
cultural manager and art curator
Fra From Any Road
Anne Duk Hee Jordan | Ralf Tekaat
October 16th - Nov 07th, 2015
Asia Contemporary Art Platform NON Berlin
Exhibition views at NON Berlin, ©Chansook Choi, 2015
I was invited by Asia Contemporary Art Platform NON Berlin to do an exhibition with a Korean artist and a German artist. Far From Any Road explored the ambiguous zone between semantic levels generating stories by showing together the works of Anne Duk Hee Jordan and Ralf Tekaat, who within their art practices research about narration on the edge of facts, memories and fiction.
Far From Any Road invited viewers to enter the world of possibilities into the exhibition's space, making themselves storytellers; challenging them by the confrontation with two different identities interacting within the same frame.
On Nov 6th, I moderated an artists talk with the participants of the exhibition, on the topic of memory and fiction.