Elisa Rusca
cultural manager and art curator
Art historian, author, and curator, I am currently director of the exhibitions and collections department at the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum in Geneva.
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photo ©Zoe Aubry
20.11, 18h: Moderation of the round table discussion: "Voix, mémoire et archives", with Prof. Didier Grandjean (CISA-UniGE), Alain Dufaux (EPFL), Christophe Fellay (EDHEA Sierre), Sabine Haberler Kreis (ICRC)
28.11: Talk: "La bande-son du droit international humanitaire"
Sciences Po, Paris (FR)
Human.Kind. book is out !
Get your copy HERE
Member of
IKT - International Association of Curators of Contemporary Art
Chair of AICA Digital Strategies Committee 2015 - 2022
Selection of recent past conferences and talks
"The myth of Cura and the invisible cities, notes for a curatorial praxis"
Graduate School Geneva
March 18
"Human.Kind : Un nouveau regard sur la photographie humanitaire". Avec William Ewing.
Société de Lecture, Genève
"La mission en images : le fonds d’affiches des collections du MICR"
Musée Historique Lausanne
Oct 31
"What if? Reflections on the Saudi contemporary art scene"
Talk: Curating Art in Challenging Times
Photographers' Gallery, London
April 21st
Conversation with Jordi Ruiz Cirera, winner Prix FOCALE 2022
November 22nd
Prix AICA France pour la critique d'art - Lauréate du Prix spécial du Jury
Institut National de l'Histoire de l'Art, Paris
September 21st