Elisa Rusca
cultural manager and art curator
- Art criticism on online platforms, online art hacktivism, interactions within offline spaces and online spaces, socially engaged cultural production and curation in the post-digital age
- Memory, disappearance and traces, concept of time, notions of storytelling
- Power structures and relations through visual infrastructures (in advertising and press)
Recent Projects
The Kids Aren't Alright. New Positions in Painting
Naoki Fuku, Mathis Gasser, Séverine Heizmann, Maja Kitajewska, Mikolaj Malek, Malgorzata Mirga-Tas,
Yoan Mudry, Marta Ravasi, Luca Rossi Dossi
la rada, Locarno, Switzerland
February 21st - June 13th 2020
See press reviews HERE and photo documentation HERE
10.10.2020 - Conversation N.1
With Emmanuelle Antille, Nina Haab, Laura Thiong-Toye and Isaline Vuille
Live streaming event Swiss Art Awards 2020
"Stasi Frenetica. Le fiere d'arte ai tempi della pandemia"