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Press Reviews


Le Temps, 11.11.2023

Counterpunch, 01.12.2023



Petrit Halilaj (Unfinished Histories)

Frida Magazin, 25.05.2023

Tribune de Genève, 30.05.2023

Courrier, 01.06.2023

Radio Cité Genève, 01.06.2023

L'Illustré, 13.06.2023

Le Temps, 07.07.2023


Équilibres précaires - A Fragile Balance

Tribune de Genève, 09.11.2022

Le Temps, 16.11.2022

Kunstbulletin, 12.2022

Alphaville, RSI-Rete 2, 18.11.2022


Who cares? Gender and humanitarian action

Le Temps, 14.06.2022

SRF, 31.05.2022

ARD 1, 31.05.2022

The Kids Aren't Alright

RSI- Turné, 30.05.2020 (17'51'')

Tessiner Zeitung, 22.05.2020

MaSeDomani, 19.05.2020

CULT+, 18.05.2020

L'Osservatore, 11.05.2020

ContemporaryLynX, 20.02.2020


Nina Haab. Il molteplice ridiventa uno

Agenzia stampa nazionale di informazione delle arti, 4.12.2019



SZUM Magazine, 03.06.2019

Kiwi Portal, 05.06.2019

Swiss Poland, 05.06.2019



Czas Kultury, 23.01.2019

POZKultura, 17.01.2019 (8'30'')

SwissPoland, 09.01.2019

Kultura Poznan, 10.01.2019

Niezla Stuka, 08.01.2019

Radio Poznan (right wing magazine criticising the exhibition), 04.02.2019

EPoznan News (right wing magazine criticising the exhibition), 04.02.2019

RTV Magazine, 31.01.2019


Merry Crisis & a Happy New Fear AGAIN

La Regione, 14.12.2018

ContemporaryLinX, 11.12.2018


Nina Haab Amnesie

Kunstbulletin, 06/2018

CULT+, 02.05.2018

Corriere del Ticino, 23.04.2018


TheParders - Locarno Festival 2017

Locarno74 News, 11.08.2017

RSI, 04.08.2017


Into the MU

ArtDaily, 23.02.2017

Magazine SZUM, 31.03.2017


TheParders - Locarno Festival 2016

RSI, 06.08.2016


Far from any road

BerlinArtLink, 06.09.2015


Future, Now.

Interview by Lydia Wendt, 27.03.2015


Oblivion, 08.05.2014


Gianni Poretti. Vetro che canta, 27.03.2010



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